Our company is a member of the Better Business Bureau. For more than 100 years, the Better Business Bureau has been helping people find businesses, brands, and charities they can trust.
Breathe EZ Authorized Dealer
Twin Cities Radon Services, as part of the Breathe EZ network of Indoor Air Quality Specialists, has access to top-quality IAQ products and training, to provide an exceptional customer experience.
Professional Organizations:
National Radon Defense
Twin Cities Radon Services, as part of the National Radon Defense network of radon professionals, has access to top-quality products and training, to provide a superior level of quality and client care.
NRPP Certified
NRPP Certified
Members of our company are certified by one of the top national radon organizations. In order to gain these credentials, extensive training and testing is required.
NRD University Certified
Members of Twin Cities Radon Services, have completed the necessary coursework to be certified by National Radon Defense University.